Customer awareness on KYC/ AML/ CFT measures
• Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process of identifying and verifying customer’s identity. As customers initiate various transactions through the Bank, the Bank requires sufficient and correct information/ document evidencing such information from their customer.
• Whenever information such as – phone number, temporary address, occupation, business, etc. is changed, such information should be provided to the Bank for updating your details.
• Bank will not initiate any transaction unless the customer is properly identified. Hence, customer should not hesitate to provide their information and documents for Banking purpose, it shall be kept confidential by Banks.
• Information about our customers and their transactions is obtained by Bank for preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
• Any earnings/ returns from illegal activities if entered and channelized through Bank accounts, may be termed as laundering of the black money.
• If someone else requests, you to open Bank account in your name without any specific reason; accounts maintained in your name may be used for their undue benefit.
• Amount received in your account from third party should have genuine purpose and the source of such fund should be legal.
• While depositing Rs 10.00 lakh or more, source of fund is to be disclosed for ensuring that the earnings are not from illegal activities.
• If you are funding to any individual or institution, such fund should not be used for financial support to any individual terrorist or group of terrorists.
• Amount should be deposited to third party account with valid purpose only. Hence, if deposit of Rs 1.00 lakh and above is to be made to third party, purpose of deposit must be disclosed.
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