Account Scheme
Corporate Customers
Prime Customers
Other Customers
Working Capital / Cash Credit
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
Trust receipt
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
Short Term Demand Loan
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
Term Loan / Project Finance
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
Working Capital / Cash Credit -Multinational
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
Pre shipment / Post shipment Loan
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
For FCY Loan New: Interest rate shall be as per agreement subject to applicable NRB guidelines.
Loan Against FDR
FD Rate + Up to 2.00%
Or applicable Base Rate whichever is higher
Deprived Sector Lending(MFI,NBFC)
Corporate Customers
Prime Customers
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
BR + Up to 2.00% for Institutions Qualifying under Deprived Sector Lending as per NRB Directives
Deprived Sector Lending( Retail)
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
Personal Loan/Overdraft
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
SME Loan
Prime Customers
Other Customers
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
NSBL Saral Karja for MSME
BR + Up to 2.00%
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
NSBL Krishak Sathi Karja
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
Auto Loan / Hire Purchase Loan
Personal Purpose (EV): BR + 0.25% - 2.25%
Personal Purpose (IC): BR + 0.50% - 2.50%
Official Purpose (EV): BR + 0.25% - 2.25%
Official Purpose (IC):BR + 0.50% - 2.50%
Commercial Purpose (EV): BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
Commercial Purpose (IC): BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
Loan against Share / Margin lending
BR + 1.00% - 3.00%
Loan against Bonds (Govt. & Other)
BR + Up to 2.00%
Or applicable Base Rate whichever is higher
Gold Loan
BR + 2.00% - 4.00%
FCY Loans (For Payment of Sight LC)
Interest rate shall be as per agreement and/or MRR plus premium subject to applicable NRB guidelines
Interest Spread Rate (Poush 2081)New: 3.77% |
Last Three Months AverageBase Rate New: 7.14%
Base Rate (Poush 2081)New: 6.96%
Click here for Interest Rate History |