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Discounts & Offers

Discounts & Offers

Discount and Offers

S.N Name of Organization Address Speciality Discount Offered Expiry Date Contact
1 Om Hospital & Research Centre Chabahil,
Hospital i. 10% discount on OPD services like In-house pathology, ultrasound, General health checkup, CT Scan, X-ray, Mammography, ECG, ECHO, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Dental procedures (5% in crown bridges & orthodontic treatment)
ii. 10% diiscount on Inpatient Services like operation charge, bed charge, medical charges, investigation (lab & radiology)
25.09.2025 01-4476225
2 Wonders Nepal Kamaladi,
Sky Walk Tower i. 10% discount on ticket purchase for Sky walk tower to NSBL Debit Card/Mobile Banking (YONO Nepal SBI) users 31 Baisakh 2083 01-5919990
3 Manakamana Darshan Pvt. Ltd. Kurintar,
Cablecar %10 discount on purchase of Cablecar ticket using NSBL Debit card on Sales office located at Kurintar & Naxal. 30 Poush 2081 056-410044
4 Om Krishna Hospital & Research Centre Tikapur,
Hospital i. 30% discount whole body test (advance)
ii. 20% discount on whole body test (general)
iii. 15 % discount on OPD lab investigation charge, Minor/major OT charge.
iv. 10% discount on  OPD charge, radiology, bed charge, surgical medicine charge
v. 5% discount on General medicine charges.
01.01.2025 091-560610
5 Siddhartha Business Group of Hospitality Tinkune,
Hospitality i. 10% discount on Food & Beverage
ii. 20% discount on Accomodation
Discount available from SBGH 21 Outlets
19.03.2026 01-4482483
6 Neuro Cardio & Multispeciality Hospital Pvt Ltd. Sankhadhar Sakhwa Marg, Biratnagar Hospital i. 15% discounts on medical services including consultations, diagnostic tests, procedures, surgeries, and inpatient care to the employees of NSBL & their immediate family members.
ii. 10% discounts on medical services including consultations, diagnostic tests, procedures, surgeries, and inpatient care to the shareholders, account holders, debit/credit card holders & Mobile Banking users. 
03.04.2025 021-416267
7 Scheer Memorial Adventist Hospital Banepa,
Hospital i. l0% discount will be applied to all medical services and ancillary services provided by Scheer Memorial Adventist Hospital. The out services (those not done in the hospital) are not applicable such discount. This discount is applicable to both inpatient and out services.
ii. 5% discount on pharmaceutical product except ortho implants.
04.05.2025 011-661111
8 Buddha Air Jawalakhel,
Airlines i. Provide 8% discount on Normal (Y), Apex (A), Bravo (B), Delta (D), Charlie (C), Echo (E).
ii. Provide NPR 177.00 discount on Special Bravo (B)/Apex(A)/Echo (E ) fare.
*Discount available on booking ticket from Buddha Air Sales Office only
Continue till termanation by one party. 01-5421015
9 C.P Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Dhangadhi,
Hospital i) Provide 15% discount on Pathology charges 
ii) Provide l0% discount on X-Ray charges
iii) Provide 10% discount on Ultrasound (USG) charges
iv) Provide l0% discount on Endoscopy charges
v) Provide l0% discount on colonoscopy charges
vi) Provide l5% discount on Normal Bed charges
vii) Provide l2% discount on High Dependency unit (HDU) Bed charges
viii) Provide l0% discount on Air conditioner (AC) cabin charges
ix) Provide l0% discount on Surgery charges
x) Provide 5% discount on Medicine charges 
19.09.2025 091-410102

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